Tango is a great metaphor for good scrutiny. Whether you are a councillor, a school governor or any other member of a public body, thinking about what tango involves (the dance not the drink of course) will help you take steps towards more effective scrutiny.
Here are the four reasons why:
1. The good scrutineer takes the lead role
Like all partner dances, scrutiny has a leader and follower.
Good scrutiny happens when the scrutineer sets the terms of engagement; less so when they follow the lead of the cabinet member, head teacher or chief executive of whatever body they are part of.
This means forming a workplan that focusses on the issues that you want to look at and taking control of what gets discussed at your meetings. The good scrutineer carefully frames each item, by carefully explaining what they want to achieve and then ensures the right questions are asked and the conversation is managed as they want.
At the same time those being scrutinised have to be willing to follow. To attend when called, to provide the information that’s asked for, in the format required, and to be open and honest in the responses they give. Most of all the ‘scrutinisee’ has to show respect for scrutiny in what they say and what they do.
2. Effective scrutiny responds to the music
The tango is not a fully scripted dance. Instead there is plenty of improvisation. Partners respond to changes in tone and tempo as they feel they need to.
In the same way scrutiny has to remain flexible and be able to respond to topical events.
Both scrutineer and scrutinisee should feel confident to suggest changes to work programmes, add additional meetings and change agenda items around to reflect, in particular, issues of concern to the public or users of the service they are responsible to.
3. Good scrutiny keeps to time
The good dancer always keeps to time. Complex techniques are performed to the beat.
Similarly scrutiny has a music of its own. It has fit just right in the policy process. Policy development work has to take place before proposals are fully formed. Pre-decision scrutiny of the final report has to be given time to consider and provide feed back. Call-ins of decisions also need a reasonable window to operate in.
Responses to scrutiny must also be timely. Standards should be set for the scrutinisee to provide answers to written questions and for the responses to reports. All this should be monitored by the scrutineer.
4. Scrutiny at its best pleases the audience
Scrutiny should promote transparency and accountability. It should focus on the issues that citizens and those using the service care about.
The public should be welcomed in to watch the dance and should be able to give their feedback.
They should even be able to join in. But maybe that needs a different metaphor…
Photo credit: https://flic.kr/p/ow8tLW