Is your council, committee or team looking to make practical improvements to the way you do scrutiny?
If you have identified an aspect of scrutiny that you need to work on – or if you need to spend some quality time reflecting how you might work more effectively, then an online scrutiny development session, could be for you.
Dave, an experienced scrutiny practitioner, will work with you to identify the right steps to help you move forward.
Each development day is interactive, solution focussed and designed around the needs of your council, committee or team.
The sessions will provide you with:
- Greater awareness of what works well in your own practice
- Good practice ideas from other places that you can try
- Increased capability to find solutions in your everyday work
- Increased confidence in your own practice
- Workable ways to make progress
Dave will also provide you with a helpful report from the day that can be used to share and embed improvement.
For further details and information about rates get in touch via my contact page.
Scrutiny development days can be provided on the following topics:
Awesome inquiries
This day focusses on the four stages of inquiry and review work; preparing, evidence gathering, reporting and following up. For each stage you get to explore what good likes and what makes good practice for you and for others.
Wonderful work plans
This day will help you to engage and prioritise effectively so that you are focus on the right things for the greatest impact. The day includes working on how to map concerns, different prioritisation tools and top tips for matching different scrutiny activities to topics.
Practical public engagement
Public engagement can be one of the most challenging aspects of scrutiny. The good news is that there are many tips from recent research and ideas that other scrutineers have found helpful. This day will help you to find out what might work best for you.
Quality questioning
Asking the right questions in the right way is a mainstay of scrutiny practice. This day uses the ‘Wheel of Effective Questioning’ to help you sharpen your questioning skills and processes as a team and individually.
Demonstrating your scrutiny impact
It’s not always easy to show the difference that your scrutiny work is making but there are some really helpful frameworks that you can use. This day will help you to select and apply the one that is right for you.
Unlocking your scrutiny superpowers
Yes, scrutiny has formal powers and these are fine as far as it goes. But, if you really want to make more of a difference then you need to flex your scrutiny superpowers. This day will help you identify the superpowers that you want to make more of and provide practical ideas for unlocking them.
Dave’s approach
I am a solution focussed practitioner trained by BRIEF.
This means I start from the following assumptions:
- Everyone is the expert in their own world and knows what works best for them
- Every individual, team and organisation is different and so are the solutions they need
- Positive change starts with the strengths, resources and good practice that people already have
- Progress begins with small constructive steps
Typically my work involves:
- Helping people to notice what already works well
- Helping people describe what good looks like for them
- Sharing the things that work well for others
- Using range of facilitation techniques to get people working together
- Sharing well researched frameworks that others have found helpful
For further details and information about rates get in touch via my contact page.