Two hour development sessions for scrutiny committee and board members – virtual or in person
Peer to peer learning
Practical tips and techniques
New tools and frameworks to try
Want to make scrutiny more effective?
Every councillor, committee and council are different, so scrutiny should work in a way that’s just right for each situation.
These two hour development sessions can be delivered virtually or in person and can be aimed at:
- A single scrutiny committee
- All scrutiny councillors
- Scrutiny chairs and vice chairs
- The scrutiny support team
- Any combination of the above
Topics for sessions have included:
- The essentials of scrutiny
- Making scrutiny more effective
- Constructive questions
- Constructive challenge
- Improving workplans for greater impact
- Working with task and finish groups
- Effective leadership and chairing
Discover new ways of working that are just right for you
Development sessions will help scrutiny councillors to be more effective.
Specifically the sessions will help councillors to:
- Notice what’s working well so they can do more of it
- Find new things to try that are just right for that committee
- Hear what other’s find helpful in other councils
- Share good practice ideas with colleagues
- Debate and discuss challenges and solutions
How does it work?
Each session is tailored. Before each session Dave will discuss with you the format and content to ensure it is right for your needs.
Each development session lasts two hours and can be delivered online, via zoom, or in-person.
Each session is a mix of working in small groups, presentations and whole group discussion. The interactive format allows participants to work on issues relevant to them.
There is no limit on the number of participants for each council.
Following the session you receive the slides from the presentations and any points captured in the chat or on flip charts.
Your course facilitator – Dr Dave Mckenna
Dave has delivered courses, workshops and webinars for a range of organisations including the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny, Tpas and Academi Wales. He is a self-confessed scrutiny and governance geek with extensive experience working with local government councillors and members of public bodies. Trained in solution focussed techniques, Dave combines enjoyable group work with insights from research and original tools and frameworks.
You can find Dave on twitter or LinkedIn or check out his website for loads of helpful blog posts.
How much does it cost?
The standard price for each session is £850 (add expenses for in-person sessions).
If the sessions sound like they might be of interest, please drop me a line on my contacts page
Not sure if it’s right for you?
Want to know more?
Just drop me a line on my contacts page.